French Voice Talent & Dubbing Actor
Willy Amann : Professional French actor, young and natural voice.
Are you looking for a French voice actor?
Corporate / Dynamic Voice
Norauto ad
Disney Ad
Pub M6 / BFMTV / Groupe TF1 : NordVPN
Publicité TV - Billboard - France 4
Acting and Broadcast (TV & Radio) Voice
Voix off Groland Canal +
Red Bull Skylines NRJ 12 Ad
Atech channel voice over
English voice with French accent ;)
Voice actor in English with French accent
Vlog english learning
French Dubbing Actor
Vidéo institutionnelle
Publicité SNCF
Publicité motion design
Voice over for animated commercial
Projet Super Conquérant
Voix off pub Alpharent
Actor for LALALIFE FR channel
Voix-off chaines Troom Troom France
Voice over for animated commercial
Voix off documentaire
Projet French Fix
Projet EDF
Voix off pour les EU games
Voix off deliveroo
Voice over for 123 Go FR channel